Daniel Biro, Founder of Citizens IG

Citizens IG is the 1st Citizens inspired Inspector General, absolutely now necessary because our so-called "trusted" government officials are rampantly committing crimes & ruthlessly conspiring amongst themselves for their concealment under color of law.  

QUESTION: WHY IS EXPOSING THIS CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT AND FELONY COVER-UP UNDER COLOR OF LAW BY SATELLITE BEACH'S CHIEF JEFF PEARSON AND HIS BRADY COPS ET AL CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT? (other than the plethora of evidence and testimony that shows these people in trusted positions conspired and committed felony obstructions to frame an actually innocent man to conceal criminal misconduct and unwarranted use of violence for their friends, and they were very coordinated and experienced at it)?  ANSWER: Satellite Beach Florida Chief Jeff Pearson and his negligent officers received political protection by the 18th Judicial Circuit SAO and judges from their actual crimes, because he was appointed to Governor Ron DeSantis' Criminal Justice Standards & Training Committee. This also enables Chief Jeff Pearson to create additional (fabrication and cover-up) practices to conceal LEO negligence and criminal misconduct under color of law for all LEOs and SAOs in the state of Florida, just as he and other trusted officials accomplished in this case in Brevard County, FL. Hundreds of thousands of Florida citizens and their families are affected.

Daniel Biro Vindicated

of all framed and falsified arrest charges by Dishonorable Criminal Brady Cops Chief Jeff Pearson, Don Triebell, Eric Anderson, Steve Owens, et al of the Satellite Beach Police Department, and prosecutorial misconduct by SA Phil Archer and ASA Susan Garrett. Judges Roberts, Reinman, Dugan, & McKibben also obstructed discovery and court access for Jeff Pearson, Alan Diamond, and Jim Barfield under color of law. (Alan Diamond is the next self-proclaimed State Attorney after his 20+ year friend and partner in crime Phil Archer. Jim Barfield is Sheriff Ivey's friend and endorsed County Commissioner who was having an extra-marital intimate affair with Mr. Biro's girlfriend.)

Daniel Biro - "If these so-called 'trusted', 'honorable', or 'good guy' police officers, state attorneys, and judges can conspire together so easily in a pattern or practice of despicable dishonesty to fabricate and frame a professional, honest, hard-working, and well-known innocent white man under color of law to conceal their negligence and liability, I can't even imagine the number of targeted black men and women illegally framed every day with false and trumped up charges that also destroy their lives and family's lives to fill arrest revenue quotas, fill for-profit prisons, and to conceal police officer negligence and liability, illegal unwarranted use of force/violence, and their other criminal misconduct under color of law, to fraudulently conceal liability for state prosecutors and attorney generals". 

"Truth is by nature self-evident. As soon as you remove the cobwebs of ignorance that surround it, it shines clear."   -Mahatma Gandhi

"Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away."  -Ismail Haniyeh

Satellite Beach Police Felony Criminal Misconduct & Cover-up By Chief Jeff Pearson, at least 3 SBPD officers, 18th Circuit asa susan Garrett & 4+ judges

Daniel Biro - "What would you do if your name, honor, life, friendships, family relationships, business(es)/income, dreams, retirement, etc. were all fraudulently and illegally taken from you in an instant by criminal police officers who framed you with complete fabrications and false charges in order to conceal their actual ignorant negligence, multiple illegal entries, shooting you twice and denying you mandatory medical treatment (but fabricating reports to make it appear like you denied mandatory medical treatment), concealed criminal misconduct, concealed the extra-marital sexual affair of their politically connected county commissioner Jim Barfield with your dishonest girlfriend (btw also lying to everyone and simultaneously in multiple affairs with prominent attorney David Volk and her current husband Scott Syring, etc.), all to put you in prison for a mandatory minimum of 17 years based on all their falsified charges and total points score, so that you could never talk about it or prove your actual innocence? 

But there's more - what if they further dishonorably tried to cover up their ignorant negligence and illegal actions by discrediting you and the truth, by leaking a completely false narrative to the TV news to try and collaborate their criminal misconduct in their framing you with completely false charges and a perjured narrative, falsifying and fabricating official document narratives, perjuring court Affidavit narratives and testimony, fabricating, tampering-with and concealing evidence, and even conspired with your own hired "defense" attorney, their police union lawyer that they were actually using as a Trojan Horse to obstruct discovery of evidence beneficial to you but which also proved the lies and crimes by the police, and committed even more serious felony crimes to fraudulently shift the blame off of them and onto you to put you in prison for 17 years?  What would you do?

That's exactly what dishonorable criminal Satellite Beach officers Don Triebell, Eric Anderson, and Steve Owens under the direction of Chief Jeff Pearson, and FLFOP police union General Counsel Alan Diamond (w/partners Kepler Funk and Keith Szachacz, and their friends in the local 18th Judicial Circuit community did to me. Obviously with such conspired coordination they have framed many many more innocent people to coerce convictions, to ultimately conceal their criminal misconduct and negligence under color of law, and to eliminate liability for the state. We the people can no longer allow these patterns or practices to continue, and must hold these criminal actors accountable to the law.

Seems crazy doesn't it? Almost impossible you say?! They're supposed to be honest and honorable protecting us?! How could that happen and all of them participate and get away with such crimes? Well, every last bit of everything I'm saying is absolutely truthful, and I have the evidence of their fraud and felony obstructions that these "trusted" officials and judges participated in to cover-up negligence and misconduct for their friends under color of law. 

But those in Brevard County's 18th Judicial Circuit justice system didn't stop there.  The pattern or practices culture of those working in this Brevard system has been conspired collusion and fraud.  They continued covering it up, even getting Brevard County Circuit Judge Charles Roberts and my own attorneys Funk, Diamond, Szachacz to collude together to set me up to take the fall, in order to sweep the massive Constitutional rights violations by SBPD under the rug.  Alan Diamond is known in the community to be the next state attorney for the 18th Circuit, and is also the lead counsel for the entire state of Florida Fraternal Order of Police (a complete conflict of interest, protecting police officer wrongdoing and negligence).  These despicable people colluded together to commit multiple crimes. They maliciously prosecuted an innocent man to shield the truth of the Satellite Beach wrongdoing and negligence from the public.

"Brady Cop" Officers Don Triebell and Eric Anderson  perjured themselves further under oath to obstruct justice and cover-up what they had done.  A Brady Cop is a police officer who purposely lies under oath to change the outcome of a case, named after a specific case many years ago.

Nobody wants to be the one to have to do this, or have a website either. I don't want this.  The truth about these ignorant morons must come out. If one of these irresponsible negligent thrill seeking guns a'blazin Satellite Beach Police Department lying Brady Cops hurts another innocent person or a child, from a stray bullet or another of their ignorant negligent activities, and then lie about it to cover it up, could you forgive yourself?

It's sad that our nation is absolutely becoming a police state, where many of the civil servant police officers think that they are above the law, and can do whatever they wish, then lie to cover it up. Because they have known that they can, because they have gotten away with it for such a long long time. The police and justice system brotherhood absolutely covers for their members. And we have erroneously allowed the police to police themselves, which means they can say and do whatever they want, with little to no accountability. This must change because MANY innocent people are getting harmed. We're finally starting to see reports of overly aggressive criminally negligent cops in social media and video across the nation, but only a small portion of what actually occurs. The cops are angry because they don't have control over social media, like they have had over the mainstream news media.

Take pictures and videos of everything ever involving a police officer, especially their interaction with you. They are not your friends, they are not looking out for your best interests. They are always looking to create "probable cause" to take your rights away and do whatever they want. Whatever they are negligent about, they will absolutely lie about it, or even try and hold you responsible.

Get cameras in your home and car too. There are good police officers, but unfortunately the bad ones ruin the good name of those who truly want to help people. Just like all of us, they must be held accountable to the law for their actions too. Other officers have a responsibility to report the bad ones, for everyone's safety.  Police officers are civil servants with a sworn duty to protect and SERVE the community, and are NOT above the law, as they have been allowed to be.

We urge the good and honorable police officers to come forward to rid these negligent and dangerous cops from their ranks. Stop being sheep, actually be honorable men and women.